The Debt, Budget and Spending

Fiscal solvency is a moral imperative. The costs of healthcare and education are rising faster than the rate of inflation. More money is being taken out of Social Security than being paid into it. As our birthrate stagnates, government spending is increasing, and entitlement programs are accruing more benefits, not fewer. As public pension liabilities are growing, politicians are paying less money into them. At this rate, our children simply will not have the healthcare, education, retirement and social services that we have enjoyed, and that they will need. Each generation has a duty to pass a better country to the next one. Fixing our national debt, entitlement costs and budget deficits is simply a matter of declaring that we want the best for our children.
What has Brad Sherman done? In his 2012 bid to defeat Howard Berman, Brad Sherman spent $6.2 million on his campaign. He ended up with $869,758 of debt. The debts include $500,000 of personal finances. This is not someone who should be lecturing his constituents on the need for financial responsibility.
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